
FlexLink uses NilexPlus® since 2000

FlexLink is a leading supplier of system within production logistics, and provides solutions for handling of material and information within manufacturing and assembling industry.


FlexLink has 650 Employees and 25 sales Offices over the whole world and is represented in 60 countries. The Main Office lies in Gothenburg and in the year 2006, the Turnover was 1,278 MSEK. FlexLink started in 1980 as a part of the SKF and currently is an independent industry since 1997.


Like all the divisions in the FlexLink, IT division works continuously for finding solutions for increasing efficiency and increasing usage of implemented IT-investments. After detailed investigations, they decided in the 2000-year ending to invest in NilexPlus®. A standardized and automatized work of IT-Support started for improving the support teams efficiency, a work which was carried on continuously thereafter. Using NilexPlus®, it is possible to achieve a high level of efficiency of the organizations infrastructure within IT.


FlexLink have used NilexPlus® for around 10 years and has implemented Nilex HelpDesk, HelpDesk Web, AD and NDS Integrator, Mail Service and Network Scanning. The number of cases have increased in coordination with the growth of their organization. Such an increase have been handled using an effective way among others thanks to simple design of NilexPlus®.


Sofie Broman, HelpDesk Responsible: "NilexPlus® is a simple, foreseeable and user friendly system with a well defined functionality. Nilex made it clear to continuously develop their program and always listen to the customer's desires. This is a strength which we appreciate apart from that they provide a fast and good support. The program's flexibility makes it easier to add new users and we can handle day to day administration without needing a special administrator".

Nilex in Helsingborg AB     Brunnbäcksgatan 17, SE-252 31 HELSINGBORG     Phone: +46(0)42-18 00 50    E-mail: kundservice@nilex.se or support@nilex.se    Fax: +46(0)42-210776
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